This review covers the trance track Sitric – Ascension.
This track was released in 1994 on the Ascension E.P.
The track starts with a pad and synth melody. A synth string then comes in. After that, one of the melodies drops out and another comes in. A bassline also makes an appearance.
Several elements then drop out, leaving only the bassline. Some synth effects then come in. The trance drum kit then mostly makes a return. A synth string comes in quietly. From there, a synth melody then comes in. The snares then fill out the rest of the drum kit. An early synth melody then makes a return.
Several elements then drop out, leaving just snares and two synth melodies. The bassline then comes in after a reverse cymbal. A synth effect then comes in as the two melodies drop out. Another synth melody then comes in. After that, an additional synth melody comes in.
A number of elements drop out, leaving just a melody or two. A voice sample makes an appearance. After a cymbal crash, everything drops out.
This, of course, is a false ending. Several synths and the drum kit makes a return. An additional synth melody then comes in. Another one of the synth melodies makes a return. An additional synth melody comes in. The synth string makes a return.
Several elements then drop out, leaving just the melodies. A voice sample also makes a return. The track then breaks down, leaving only the synth string. This element leads the track out.
What I do like about the track is the melodies. Backed by the synth string, the track offers a nice sound that is uplifting.
One thing I wasn’t a huge fan of is the false ending in this case. I’m fine with false endings when they are done well. In this case, the track is nicely coming to an end, then what follows after the false ending just seems like something that was slapped on after the fact to lengthen the track. Was what was added after the false ending adding to the track? I’m not entirely sure to be honest.
Overall, this is a decent enough track. It has some nice melodies and some good pads to back them. While a large chunk of it seemed to be there to artificially increase the length of the track, there’s still a number of things to like about this one. A pretty decent one all around.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.