In this fourth part of our Impress guide, we show you how to add all sort of dynamic content. This includes links, audio and even video.
Previously, we covered how you can manage slides and add animations. At this point, you are definitely getting a good idea on how to create basic slide shows. Naturally, as you build slide shows, you might be wondering how to add things other than simple text and animation. How do I add a URL here? What about some sound there? In this guide, this is what we’ll cover.
Adding a URL
There are some somewhat limited times you’ll find yourself needing to add a URL. It might be helpful if you are sending the slide show to someone. Otherwise, you’ll be requiring an internet connection where you are presenting your slide show. These days, that is generally not a problem with so much Wifi being available. Still, you need to make sure the computer you are presenting from can access the Internet.
With that figured out, you’ll want to highlight the text you want to turn into a URL.
Next, you’ll want to click on “Insert” in the menu bar and click on “Hyperlink…”
In the new window, you can type in the URL in question in the URL bar. After that, just click on the “OK” button.
You’ll also notice in the pop-up window that you have plenty of options available to you. If you are in a shared computer environment where many computers can access, say, a certain network drive, then you can also point to a specific file on that specific drive so everyone has access to said resource. Extremely useful in a work environment.
When you are done, you’ll see the text you highlighted become hyperlinked. You can always adjust the highlighting and font after ify ou like. This is just the default font formatting.
That’s it!
Adding Audio
So, let’s say you need to add some audio. The thing to keep in mind is an ability to play that audio file. Generally not a problem for most computers to play an MP3, but it would be ideal to make sure the file can be played in the first place from the computer you intend on using it from.
The first thing we want to do is click on the “Insert Audio or Video” button. In the subsequent window, you’ll want to browse to the file you’ll want to play. Click on the file, then click on the “Open” button.
From there, you can click and drag the icon where you want to put in your slide. The shift button can be useful here to move it directly up or down if you need to move it in that way.
Now, when you go to that slide, the audio will immediately play. If this is not the effect you want, there is an alternative here.
Simply select an object (not going into editing text). Next, right click and click on “Interaction…”
In the new pop-up window, click on the drop down menu and click on “Play Audio”.
Next, you’ll notice a new bar appear. Click on the “Browse” button to select the audio file you want to play. Click “Open” once you have found and selected that audio file. Click on “OK” after that to close out of the remaining pop-up window.
Now, when you get to that slide, clicking on the text box will play that file. Click anywhere else to advance the slide show.
That is two ways you can add audio to your slide show.
Video can be added in a very similar manner to audio.
First, you’ll want to click on the “Insert Audio or Video” button
Next, you’ll probably want to resize and move your file around. To re-size without stretching, remember to hold down the shift button before clicking and dragging. This will cause the video to play when you go to the slide.
You’ll probably want to keep the video on a separate slide, but that is how you add video to your presentation.
That’s it! Congratulations, you can now add URL and media to your presentations!
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