With a new year and a fresh start, we begin 2024 with on an upbeat note. Today, we are counting down the top 10 best games we’ve reviewed last year.
With 2024 and the top 10 worst games in the rear view mirror, we kick this year off with the top 10 best games we’ve reviewed in 2024. With so much of our experience being outside of our comfort zone, we found some really good games in the process. So, here we go with the list!
10. Chrono Trigger (SNES)
We kick things off with a very well known classic RPG game. This game is packed with content, has a good learning and difficulty curve, and even manages to offer some new novel concepts to turn based RPG battle. Throw in some flashy graphics and solid music and you got a game that really does live up to the hype.
Score: 80%
9. Might and Magic V: Darkside of Xeen (16-Bit DOS)
It’s a sequel. It’s an expansion. Well, whatever angle you want to look at this, it impressed us regardless. This game took what was great about the previous game and continued it on with another massive world filled with adventure and strategy. Not only this, but you could even explore parts of the previous game that can only be explored by having this game as well. With great concepts and very solid gameplay, this is a definite recommendation to say the least (though you may want to play the previous game first of course!)
Score: 80%
8. Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (GameCube)
Sometimes, just playing the obvious game on a system yields a positive result. This is definitely the case with this game. With this game, the formula is slightly adjusted to incorporate two drivers and a doubling of weapons. With plenty of ways to mix and match setups as well as special weapons finally making an appearance for players, this is a definite recommendation. Just mind the fact that 150cc might be a bit excessively difficult at times.
Score: 80%
7. Rock ‘N Roll Racing (Game Boy Advance)
Sometimes, a classic being ported onto a handheld is ultimately a safe bet. In this case, it was. While it would have been nice to see some additional features, the port is well done by being true to it’s earlier console counterparts. How could you go wrong with a little metal crunching to some classic rock music anyway?
Score: 80%
6. Half-Life 2 (PC/Steam)
This game wound up being the first Steam game we ever played. It also wound up being the subject to our very first first impression videos years ago on top of it all. Well, what a first impression did this this game leave us! A great amount of variety, great graphics, and very solid gameplay wound up being enough for it to earn a place in this years top 10 list!
Score: 80%
5. Wario Land 4 (Game Boy Advance)
A console definitely needs to give players a strong first impression. It’s not a surprise that this safe sounding title might deliver that strong first impression. One thing is for sure, it really did. While ladders and pipes are a bit finicky, the gameplay is otherwise nicely done and varied. With solid graphics and audio, this game earns a spot in the top 5 for this years greatest games.
Score: 82%
4. Advance Wars (Game Boy Advance)
Speaking of strong first impressions, who could forget this title early on in the consoles life cycle? A turn based strategy game that really pushes the thinking abilities of players. At the same time, it also winds up being an approachable game as well. With excellent graphics for a handheld game at the time, it’s hard to go wrong with this game.
Score: 82%
3. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (Game Boy Advance)
When we took on this console, this wound up being high on the list of games that we felt we should be playing. With hearing so many good things about it, this game definitely did not disappoint. With so much to collect and so many different things to do, you are in for one immersive experience with this game. The graphics and audio certainly weren’t bad either. Probably no surprise this is in the top 3 for players familiar with this system.
Score: 82%
2. Might and Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen (16-Bit DOS)
This years runner up is probably not surprising for those familiar with this franchise. As far as we can tell, this is our second favourite game in the series next only to Mandate of Heaven. This game features a massive open world concept, plenty of dungeons to explore, a good difficulty curve, and a whole lot more. It’s definitely highly recommended as far as we are concerned and it serves as this years second best game we’ve played all year. Pretty impressive if you ask us.
Score: 86%
1. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask (N64)
It was extremely difficult to figure out which of the top two would come out on top. By a hair, we chose this classic N64 title. This game wound up being a major hole in our list of games we’ve playing in this franchise. This year, we vowed to correct the situation by giving it a play. As it turned out, it would ultimately become the best game we’ve played this year. With so many side quests and such a large number of dungeons to explore, this game wound up being destined for greatness. Mix in some great graphics and highly memorable audio and you got a game that manages to come out on top. A highly recommended game to say the least.
Score: 86%
Definitely an interesting list this year. That concludes this years top 10 list. Join us tomorrow as we count down the top 10 best tracks we’ve listened to all year.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.