Review: Groove Coverage – Poison (Radio Version) (Pop)

This review covers the pop track Groove Coverage – Poison (Radio Version).

This track was released in 2004. I don’t know why this is labelled as trance and not pop because the structure of this track fits in with the pop genre much better than Trance. What is also noteworthy is the fact that the lyrics were written by Desmond Child, John McCurry and Alice Cooper.

There are a lot of strong elements in this track, but the strongest, in my view, are the lyrics. I thought they really did a great job of narrating exactly what the title says. This was backed up by not only strong synth, but also strong vocals. I can’t really decide which of the two is stronger, but they were both great.

My only criticism of this track is that some of the words are enunciated strangely. It makes it hard to understand a few of the lyrics, but these instances are few and far between.

Overall, I thought this track was very enjoyable. Strongly written lyrics backed by great vocals and synthetic sounds makes for a great track to listen to all around.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.

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