This review covers the psytrance track Pop Stream – Railways.
This track was released in 2006 on the album Railways.
The track starts off with humpback whale sounds. This, I thought, was an unexpected element given the name.
Part way into this track, there is some interesting sounds that I thought gave this track some unique qualities. It’s sort of a formant sound that was added.
Another element that I thought was interesting were the vocal samples. They don’t necessarily make this track amazing, but they did add something to improve the overall sound.
In the later portion of this track, there is a nice synthetic melody that gave this track a very good start. Unfortunately, this was the big melody before this track ended. For me, if this track started off with this and added more at the end, I would have said this was a great track. The fact that it ended on this, was a bit anti-climactic for me.
generally speaking, this was a good track. Outside of the melody on the later half of the track, there wasn’t a whole lot to necessarily praise in this track outside of a few effects. This is definitely one of those tracks for people who are already into the genre of psytrance.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.