We’re happy to unveil a brand new feature on this site. This feature is the Track of the Year and Game of the Year titles. We’ll be covering what all this entails.
Over the years, we here at Freezenet have review a lot of music and video games. While the variety of both categories is quite impressive, a lot of people like to know what we consider a favorite.
One method of doing so is by looking back over the year whenever a year comes to a close and determine what track or game was the best we’ve reviewed that year. we then take what we’ve reviewed and compile a top 10 list with honorable mentions. An example is the top 10 best track reviewed in 2015. While there is nothing necessarily wrong with quantifying what is the best in this manner as time goes on, it does also mean that tracks or games may be compared to each other based on when we happen to get around to reviewing them.
A solution is to have games and tracks be compared more directly by going by year of release instead. That way, it doesn’t matter when that game or track is reviewed, it it still being quantified in an ever expanding pool based on the year of release. One great benefit is that the technology being employed at the time whenever a track or game was produced will stay roughly the same. For instance, it would be unfair to directly compare a game released on an NES console to a game released on a Playstation 2 console. The time and technology is vastly different. The same sort of idea does apply to music because production methods have changed so much over the years.
So, starting today, we have begun to award a Track of the Year title as well as a Game of the Year title. This is different from the top game/track reviewed in [insert year here] because we are going by release year instead of year it was reviewed. There are some rules to keep things organized.
In order for a track to win this title, that track needs to have the highest score for a track released that year. In the event of a statistical tie, both tracks will get the title. Another important rule that will decrease in importance over time is that 50 tracks have to be reviewed in that year before a title can be handed out. The idea is that we should, at the very least, have an idea of what music is available that year before we actually give the title. We can’t review 2 tracks in a given year and award one of them the track of the year because hardly anything was considered that year. As it just so happens, as of this writing, 2009 went over that threshold and Andy Blueman – Neverland (Original Mix) is the sole holder of the title. While it is mathematically impossible to overtake this track, if this track didn’t score a perfect score, and a track was later found to overtake this track, then we’ll update the review to say that it is a former title holder with a link to the new title holder. All reviews including forthcoming reviews will be considered.
Video games, in the mean time, operate on the same rules with one exception. The threshold for number of games reviewed in a given year is set to 25 in a given year.
In the review indexes, the track or game of the year will be boldfaced in its entirety for easier finding.
We hope you enjoy this new feature!
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.