This review covers the liquid drum n bass track Mistabishi – From Memory (Matrix Remix).
This track was released in 2009 along with the track I Feel Lol.
There is quite an intro to be had here. It features some synth string and slow vocals. As a result, this track already has something memorable to it.
The vocal portions have both a male and female counterpart here where the female counterpart appears later in the track. They really gave this track emotion.
The inclusion of drum n bass elements doesn’t sound like something that would fit if you hear the intro, but it does manage to ultimately work in the end. Because of the seemingly incompatible styles, you end up having something that is somewhat unique.
the sprinkle of melody that was thrown in was nicely added. While nothing hugely complex, it adds exactly what was needed to give this track some pop.
Overall, this track was a great track to listen to. It was soothing and memorable. The voice samples add exactly what was needed. The melody did the same thing. The synth string added a lot to the intro and overall emotion found in this track. So, it gets a thumbs up from me.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.