Review: Culture Kultur – The Last Believer (Synth-Pop)

This review covers the synth-pop track Culture Kultur – The Last Believer.

This track was released in 2005 on the album Reborn.

One interesting element is the fact that drumkit used contains a metallic snare. While a somewhat subtle addition to this track. It really helped convey the emotion to surprising effect.

The vocals had an interesting style to them. They had that worn down feeling which really spoke to the emotion that would be reflected by the title.

The main melody had a well-chosen synth. The downside is that it ended up being a little repetitive, only serving to give this track a lead sound.

Meanwhile, the effects that were thrown in did work quite well. They really helped give this track a nice structure.

Overall, while not the strongest track I’ve heard in a while, it wasn’t bad either. The emotions conveyed through the vocals and the drumkit worked quite well. While the main melody wasn’t bad, it wasn’t as big as I was hoping. Still, the effects added throughout worked quite well. A pretty good track in the end.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.

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