Review: Simone Vitullo Feat. Lady Vale – Passionately (House)

This review covers the deep house track Simone Vitullo Feat. Lady Vale – Passionately.

This track was released in 2013 as a single WAV file.

One feature of note are the vocals. At first, I thought they were excellent. Unfortunately, as the track progressed, I found out that they were quite repetitive. If there were more to the vocals buring the chorus than what I heard, then it wouldn’t be so bad. As it stands now, they only add an interesting element during the chorus of the sound. The versus, however, do add some much needed variety to these vocals.

The bassline, by itself, is quite nondescript. However, combined with the other effects in this track, they actually end up providing some interesting vibes to the track.

The chord sounds do add a nice effect that balances out the overall track. They do add a nice sound to the vocals.

The stringed instruments towards the end of the track were a nice touch. It helped earn some respect from me.

Overall, while not a huge track in my books, it does end up being fulfilling for certain moods. This track would be a great way to help balance out ones music collection as something that is different, yet interesting. Not a bad listen.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.

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