Review: Oceania Pres. Cordonnier – Squares in Boxes (Suncatcher Remix) (Trance)

This review covers the progressive trance track Oceania Pres. Cordonnier – Squares in Boxes (Suncatcher Remix).

This track was released in 2010 along with three other versions.

The track starts off with some synthetic sidechained string. It then builds into some synth notes as well as some piano elements. These elements build the track quite nicely.

The piano then leads throughout the breakdown, giving the track a pleasant sound. The synth chords then build the track back up along with some synth string. The track builds into even more pleasant sound.

There’s some piano elements that come in shortly after. This element enhances the overall sound nicely. The addition of a secondary synth melody is quite nice as well. That secondary melody ends right when the final breakdown starts to happen.

Overall, this is definitely a pleasant listening experience. The track has great piano and synth string elements. The secondary melodies also help make this a very nice track to listen to. Definitely worth a listen.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.

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