Announcement: Freezenet YouTube Channel Reaches 2,500 Views!

We here at Freezenet are excited to say that the Freezenet YouTube channel has hit the milestone of 2,500 views.

In early August of 2019, we announced that we would be starting our first impression video series. The announcement coincided with the launching of our YouTube channel as well as the posting of our very first first impression video. Indeed, I was pretty excited at the time, launching a new chapter in developing the website as a whole. It really felt like the possibilities were opening up further at that particular moment. I mean, a YouTube channel that coincides with a full website? How cool is that?

While the video did perform pretty well considering it was a new channel, growth was slow. Getting a couple of views per month was not exactly the amount I was hoping for. Nevertheless, I kept plugging away. I gradually went from one video per month to two video’s per month to doubling the output to a full four videos per month – nearly one per week. I even threw in a separate vlog series to go over top of it to talk about the odd news story here and there in video format as well.

After three long years, on June of 2022, Freezenet managed to obtain the milestone of having 500 views. It’s not exactly MrBeast numbers, but let’s face it, not very many people out there have MrBeast numbers to begin with. I was grateful for the numbers I did get even if people looked at me like I was a failure in only getting those views in three years.

Well, I kept plugging away at it, routinely posting videos on interesting things. In November of the same year, the views doubled from 500 to 1,000. I had accomplished in 5 months what originally took me three years to pull off. A vast improvement in terms of numbers, though I still got the attitude of “well, we gotta start somewhere, right?” I mean, what do you mean “start”? I’ve been at this for three years now.

Well, whatever, I kept plugging away even if some people perceive these as modest numbers. I have not misses a scheduled video posting yet and the video’s kept getting posted regularly. Now, today, on July 12th, I managed to reach the new milestone of 2,500 views. In 8 months, I have more than doubled what was accomplished in the last 4 years combined. Even if some people out there look at the overall numbers and give me that “how cute” look, the math, so far, is really exciting to me. I’m not going to project anything here, but instead, focus on getting better and better content out there.

Indeed, my main passion has always been on writing news content on digital rights and technology, but it is also fun to be able to produce video content. I’m more than happy to continue it especially if there is an appetite for it, though, and it is fun to shoot these things from time to time as well.

So, obviously, I would like to thank all the subscribers and the YouTube community for making this channel the success that it is. Without you, the audience, this wouldn’t have been possible. Here’s to the next 2,500!

Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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