We now take a look at what we’ve added to the Wiki over the last month. This is for the month of February.
We continue to roll ahead with adding content to the Wiki. Last month, we noted a somewhat larger than expected update where we added a couple of episodes to the Future Sound of Egypt. The bulk of the update was largely filling in a pile of missing content for Fables, however. This means that Fables is now much more complete thanks to that update.
This month, we managed to add a bit more to the current archiving project. At this point, the archive for the Future Sound of Egypt now goes all the way up to episode 440. Because of this, we are very nearly there to the last really large episode (450). Not much longer and we’ll be starting the ascent of that large mountain.
As usual, we have updated all the usual active archives to include the latest episodes. Those shows that got updated are the Future Sound of Egypt, Fables, Resonation, and the V Recordings Podcast. No new episode for the Random Movement Podcast this month, so that archive remains updated as-is.
We hope you enjoy the latest patch of content. We also look forward to adding even more content in the future!
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.