We now have another regularly scheduled update on what we’ve added for the month of July.
Last month, we released the May and June Wiki content patch. In those notes, we noted that we basically just updated all of the ongoing shows we are documenting on this site. It wasn’t a huge update, but it was an update nevertheless.
This month, we are happy to say that we have been able to add some nice updated to the Wiki.
First, we updated the shows for the V Recording Podcast, Future Sound of Egypt, Resonation, and Fables. The show Random Movement Podcast didn’t have a new episode, though we can attribute that to the weird timing between patches more than anything else.
This month, we’ve also added some content to the Future Sound of Egypt 350 special. We are well past the half way mark of this special at this stage, but we are also well aware of the fact that we have quite a bit of ground to cover for this special still. While that doesn’t sound like much of an update, it’s worth pointing out that the 350 special is a one month long festival celebrated in multiple countries around the world. Documenting this is an insane undertaking in and of itself. As of now, we have just over 80kb of markup data on that page. That number will only grow from here on out.
As of now, we have documented 33 mixes for that special. We figure that we have about 15 mixes left to go. Yeah, it’s going to take a bit to get through, but we are confident we’re going to get there.
Regardless, we hope you enjoy this latest addition and look forward to adding even more content in the future!
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.