This months early access review as nominated by Patrons is Dragon Age – Origins. You can read this review now!
This month, Patron’s on Patreon have nominated and selected the review for Dragon Age – Origins. This early access review is now available on Patreon for subscribers on the Chilled Out tier and up.
I would like to take this moment to thank all those who have supported Freezenet on Patreon as you are helping to make this website continue to exist. You really are making a world of difference for me.
If you would like to take part in deciding which reviews you’d like to see, you can join the Patreon page on The Cool Tier and up to take part in the nomination and voting process. Each month, a review will get unlocked. If, however, you just want access to reading the reviews, then you can access these via the Chilled Out tier.
Otherwise, enjoy this fresh new review for your reading pleasure!
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.