Dungeon Siege III Unlocked for Early Access!

This months early access review, as nominated by Patrons, is Dungeon Siege III. You can read this review right now!

I got your nomination for this months early access review. This month, you selected Dungeon Siege III.

Generally speaking, the Dungeon Siege series was something I was definitely curious about because I do like a good RPG game from time to time. Of course, anyone who has played any genre for an extensive period of time will tell you that not all games are created equally – even if you are a huge fan of a given genre. That’s what I ended up finding here.

Indeed, as I was going through the different Dungeon Siege games, I thought that maybe the next one would be improved on. After all, graphical capabilities were improving over time and more concepts are being tried out. Maybe the next game would really finally hit its stride. Sometimes, game franchises need a few entries before really perfecting themselves.

Sadly, that’s not what I found in Dungeon Siege III. After being disappointed in the first two games, I thought maybe the third game would offer something great at least. That ended up not being the case and I was just left with more disappointment.

Some franchises really should have continued in my opinion. Whether that is Earthbound, Mega Man Legends, or Burnout because it had something great to offer and maybe it could bring something even better to more modern gamers. With this franchise, after playing all three, I’m left thinking that maybe it was best left in the dustbin of history. Kind of a shame, really, because I put in a lot of effort to try and get into this franchise.

Ah well, maybe you’ll be interested in the review anyway. So, if you are a subscriber, enjoy!

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