Today, we are proud to announce that Freezenet is once again expanding. This time, we have a guide on CSS ready for you.
In 2013, we published an HTML guide so that others can learn how to build a basic website. At the time, we promised a follow-up guide discussing CSS. Well, it took a bit longer then expected to get that follow-up guide published. While it took longer then expected, we never forgot out promise to publish that guide.
Today, we did just that. Freezenet is now proudly offering a 9 part guide discussing the basics of CSS (Cascading Style Sheet). It offers small design recommendations and suggestions as well so you can get the most out of the code.
While 9 parts sounds like a lot, this guide is really meant for beginners who have an idea how HTML works. If you have some knowledge of HTML, then it is possible to learn CSS. HTML, after all, is required knowledge for CSS.
Still, a lot of guides out there wind up going pretty deep into the weeds. While it’s not wrong to discuss many different intricacies in CSS, some people might feel overwhelmed by all the complexities. This guide simply delves into the very basics and works you up to the point where you are creating a basic website.
The 9 parts of our guide consist of creating and attaching CSS, headings and paragraphs, images and backgrounds, links, lists, tables, divs, classes, and IDs, the box model and clear tags, and finally, comments. We hope you find this guide useful and thank you for your patient if you’ve been looking forward to this particular guide.
Happy coding!
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.