First Impression: Nintendo Switch

This is the 186th instalment of our first impression video series. Today, we are unboxing the Nintendo Switch.

Welcome to the 186th instalment of our first impression video series. Today, we are checking out the Nintendo Switch. This includes some of the games offered on the console. You can check out the video directly on YouTube or in the embed below:

In continuing the theme of new experiences going into the new year, I decided to talk a little bit about not only my first impressions of the Nintendo Switch, but also showcase some of the games I was able to collect as well up to this point.

I know that the Nintendo Switch represented a fundamental difference compared to the other two major console developers at the time. It took it’s successful portable gaming run and married it with its home console line into one hybrid console. While some thought it was odd when it first came out, it turned out, this would ultimately lead to its overall success, making many people believe that Nintendo is still a powerhouse in the gaming world.

One thing is for sure, I grew up with Nintendo games, so after spending so much time out of my comfort zone, this feels a bit like a return back to what I knew – to a degree at least. The games are newer, but the names are more familiar to me.

I know people are going to be looking at this video and saying that I should have done this much sooner. The reality is that this was the absolute soonest I could financially have been able to do something like this. The console itself is just under $450 after taxes and the new games retail for just under $90 each. Obviously, I was finally able to overcome that financial hurdle as shown in the video, but it was a real pain to get there after all this time. Still, I am happy to put the theory to the test that new games are what most people are after anyway. As such, I hope you enjoy the video’s in the coming year.

As for the schedule moving forward, this is where things get a little weird. I will be retiring the Playstation 3 temporarily. Initially, the schedule is going to be as follows:

Week 1: Steam game
Week 2: Playstation 4 game
Week 3: XBox One game
Week 4: Nintendo Switch game

The thing with that schedule is the fact that I don’t have very many Steam games left. In a few months time, I will have run out of Steam games to play and will be bringing the Playstation 3 back from retirement. As a result, the schedule will look like this:

Week 1: Playstation 3 game
Week 2: Playstation 4 game
Week 3: XBox One game
Week 4: Nintendo Switch game

So, it will be a really short retirement for the Playstation 3 console on this channel.

At any rate, I’m looking forward to what this console has in store for me and I hope you enjoy what I end up finding as well!

This video is part of our first impression video series. Below is a list of 50 of the previously made first impression video’s we’ve made in the past:

Drew Wilson on Mastodon, Twitter and Facebook.

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