First Impression: Penumbra: Black Plague (PC/Steam)

This is the 169th instalment of our first impression video series. Today, we are playing Penumbra: Black Plague for the first time.

Welcome to the 169th instalment of our first impression video series. Today, we are playing the PC/Steam game, Penumbra: Black Plague for the first time. You can check out the video directly on YouTube or in the embed below:

After getting through the first game, I am moving on to the second game of three in this series. While I wouldn’t say the first game was a particularly amazing game, it wasn’t absolutely terrible, either. There is, of course, potential with these games, so I was interested in checking out this next game to see if anything has improved at all.

The puzzle dynamic along with the way physics are handled in this game is certainly present in this game and it does continue along with the storyline. While I’m not looking forward to the combat in this game (since it wasn’t the greatest in the last game), I am interested to see which direction the series goes next.

For those who have played this game, what did you think of this one? Was this an interesting entry to the franchise or did you think this didn’t add much to the overall franchise?

For those who have played other games in this franchise, but not this one, what did you think of what you saw? Does this look like a game you’d be interested in playing or do other games capture your attention better?

This video is part of our first impression video series. Below is a list of 50 of the previously made first impression video’s we’ve made in the past:

Drew Wilson on Mastodon, Twitter and Facebook.

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