First Impression: The Evil Within (Playstation 4)

This is the 179th instalment of our first impression video series. Today, we are playing The Evil Within for the first time.

Welcome to the 179th instalment of our first impression video series. Today, we are playing the Playstation 4 game, The Evil Within for the first time. You can check out the video directly on YouTube or in the embed below:

I will readily admit that this is a game I have heard of, but don’t know much more than that. I knew it was a survival horror game, but that’s about it. So, why not give this game a try and see what it’s like playing, right?

So far, it has an interesting style that borrows from Dead space concepts, but I do look forward to seeing what the rest of the game is like. At the very least, the beginning isn’t bad, so hopefully, that carries through to the rest of the game.

For those who have played this game, what did you think? Was this a highly memorable game with a lot of interesting elements or was this just another run of the mill survival horror game with not a lot going for it?

For those who have played the sequel, what did you think of what you saw here? Was this a game you’d be interested in playing or do you think 1 game is more than enough?

Also, for those who haven’t played any of these games, what did you think of what you saw in this video? Is this a game that interests you or is this a bit too violent for you? Let us know in the comments below!

This video is part of our first impression video series. Below is a list of 50 of the previously made first impression video’s we’ve made in the past:

Drew Wilson on Mastodon, Twitter and Facebook.

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