This is the 12th installment of our first impression video series. For this month’s game, we are playing Legend of Grimrock II for the first time.
Welcome to the 12th installment of our first impression video series. Today, we are playing the RPG game Legend of Grimrock II. This is, of course, the sequel to the game Legend of Grimrock which we earlier posted a first impression video on. You can check out the video directly on YouTube or in the embed below:
A note about this video. We ran into a slight video problem where the video flickers slightly. This did not appear in the gameplay itself, but rather, just in the video afterwards. Since this does not appear in any other video outside of this series, we think it may be somehow linked to the series itself. We don’t really have anything else to go on at this point.
So, this video further expands our collection of RPG games. We are definitely not done on that front. We hope to gradually get through even more of these in the future. If you want to keep tabs on what we are up to on YouTube, you can also check out our YouTube channel.
If you are curious to know which games we’ve checked out so far, here is the list (in reverse chronological order):
- Outlast
- Legend of Grimrock
- Portal 2
- Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
- Left 4 Dead 2
- Left 4 Dead
- Portal
- Half-Life 2: Episode Two
- Half-Life 2: Episode One
- Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
- Half-Life 2
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.