The ninth episode of the Freezenet official podcast for July of 2019, “Your Security is a Hack Magnet” is now on Patreon.
We are happy to announce that episode 9 of the Freezenet official podcast is now available. For those of you who are on the $5 tier or higher, you can head on over to Patreon and grab your copy right now.
This month’s episode is inspired by a number of different data breaches that happened over the course of the month. Some were high profile, others, well, not so much. Either way, there has been plenty of hacking to go around.
Also this month, we cover things like the push for Canadian censorship, the US joining the way on encryption, Ferry Corsten getting hit with a DMCA notice, and even what not to do if you choose to become a drug mule.
This month’s episode also features all the usual video game and music reviews as well. It’s been a busy month, so if you don’t want to miss out on this early access, be sure to check out the Patreon page for more information!
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.