The 16th episode of the Freezenet official podcast for February 2020, “In Your Face Privacy” is now on Patreon.
We are happy to announce the 16th episode of the Freezenet official podcast is now available on Patreon! For those of you who are on the $5 tier or higher, you can head on over to Patreon and grab your copy right now!
This month, we cover the growing controversy over facial recognition software. Additionally, we cover efforts by both Canada and the US to curb online free speech. Also, we cover how GDPR regulators are going after online dating sites.
Additionally, we cover all the usual music and video game reviews. We also cover the importance of cutting eye holes into your pillow case. All this and more on this month’s episode of the Freezenet official podcast! So, if you’re itching to give this month’s episode a listen, what are you waiting for? Head right on over to Patreon now and get your Patreon copy right now!
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.