Houzz Hit With Data Breach: 40 Million Potentially Compromised

Popular home improvement site Houzz is the latest hit with a data breach. Up to 40 million may have been compromised.

We’ve got yet another data breach to report on. A home improvement site known as Houzz has been breached by an unauthorized third party. While the size of the breach is unclear, the site did boast having 40 million accounts. From KimKomando:

Home improvement site Houzz recently announced that it has suffered a data breach as third parties have gained unauthorized access to a file that contains user data.

What is Houzz, you might ask? It is a website and online community that caters to homeowners, home design aficionados and home improvement professionals. Among its tools is a marketplace where home improvement companies can advertise and sell their services through its platform.

The company said it discovered the data breach in late December 2018 but it is still unclear if the file was accessed through a hacked system, a rogue employee or through an unsecured database.

Houzz also claims that not all of its customers are affected but it has not revealed the actual number of accounts compromised.

No doubt the home improvement site is looking into a security improvement after this incident. Since these reports surfaced, no new information has cropped up. This is the first security incident we’ve been able to report on this month, though likely not the last.

Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.

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