OiNK Infiltrated, Media Defender Leak Shows

Over 700 MB of Media Defender’s apparently leaked e-mails are showing many interesting things.

Note: This is an article I wrote that was published elsewhere first. It has been republished here for archival purposes

These emails discuss spoofing top 40 music and big box office hits. While investigating these e-mails to see the extent of what this information holds, Slyck has learned there are emails indicating OiNK, a popular private BitTorrent tracker, was possibly infiltrated by Media Defender. While currently there’s no information on whether they are involved on any spoofing on that particular website, information from the leaked emails suggests that they have collected IP (Internet Protocol) addresses and spread corrupt files.

An email with the subject “like NIN?”, starts off and continues with the following language:

This Leak Notification regards:
The Good Soldier
Capital G
The Warning
God Given
Meet Your Master
The Greater Good
The Great Destroyer
Another Version Of The Truth

The following Torrent users are online sharing/distributing the Leaked tracks listed above:

OrgName: Comcast Cable Communications, Inc.
OrgID: xxxx
Address: (deleted)
City: (deleted)
StateProv: NJ
PostalCode: xxxxx
Country: US
[…][4 other additional IP addresses, 2 American, 1 Canadian and 1 Russian]
That torrent was posted to the following website:

Latest Sports News

That torrent was being tracked by the following tracker:


Thank you,
The MediaDefender Leaks Team

MediaDefender, Inc.

An additional email, if accurate, appears to confirm this. The email details the leak of ‘Gretchen Wilson – One of the Boys’ and includes 9 IP addresses and also points to OiNK’s tracker and details page ID of “12! 71374”.

While the IP addresses and page detail codes may seem arbitrary for those who doubt Media Defender has infiltrated the website, a third email includes the following in one of their ‘meeting notes’ on March 2nd, 2007:

# Initiate exclusive accounts from private sites Demonoid, Torrentbox, Sladinki007, and Oink (to Torrents):

* Cooperate with Leaks to initiate accounts.
* Increase share ratios.
o Appear as “normal” users.

Whether or not anyone has received any legal demands is currently a mystery, but the leaked emails indicate that there were at least 2 swarms that Media Defender either had direct access to, or has a member passing along identifiable information to Media Defender.

Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.

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