Review: Adventures of Lolo 2 (NES)

In this review, we check out the first sequel in the Adventures of Lolo series, Adventures of Lolo 2. We find out if this puzzle game is worth a replay.

This particular game was released in 1990 and is the sequel to Adventures Of Lolo which we reviewed earlier.

The game, save for some subtle differences, is pretty much the same thing. One of the differences is, well, different puzzles to solve. All the enemies behave in the same fashion and the objectives are pretty much the same. At the end of each set of levels are stairs that lead to up to the next floor. Even the storyline is practically unchanged in that Lala was abducted and you are on a mission to save her.

Graphically, there were minor improvements over the previous Lolo game. Instead of enemies simply vanishing off of the screen, there’s a subtle puff of smoke that appears when you grab the gem before they disappear. The quality of the look of the enemies was also slightly improved as well. I wish the same boring floor textures were also improved to be more varied.

The audio, depressingly, didn’t really change much either. The in-game music is the exact same track that plays over and over again to the point where you eventually break out in an uncontrolled rage and throw the controller through the screen in a much more deliberate act that many who threw their Wiimotes at their flat screens. Even the sound effects are exactly the same.

At the end of the day, the music and textures were irritating and annoyingly unvaried in the previous game. So, if you’ve played the previous game, much of what you experience in this game would be that much more annoying. Had you not played the previous game, the puzzles would be much more confusing because, generally speaking, they are more difficult and complex than the previous game. So, darned if you do, darned if you don’t in this case. In any event, I couldn’t keep going after a while. I could have solved a particularly difficult to figure out room, but I just couldn’t stand to keep going after, so I ended the game early. This game, really, is a level expansion disguised as a sequel. I don’t honestly know why the developers thought that subtle graphical improvements were all that the sequel needed, but because of this, the game is a total flop for me.


Furthest point in game: Floor 5, room 2.

General gameplay: 12/25
Replay value: 2/10
Graphics: 2/10
Audio: 1/5

Overall rating: 34%

Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85

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