This review covers the EBM track Assemblage 23 – Bravery.
This track was released in 2016 on the album Endure.
The track starts off with some synths that give an eerie sound. When the main melody hits, however, the sound becomes more uplifting. After this, the vocals come in.
These vocals are backed by what sounds like an electric guitar. When the vocals hit the main chorus, it is joined by the main synth melody. This is followed up by the main melody with the electric guitar.
The lyrics come back going into the next verse. This leads into the main chorus just like the first time around. This time, however, the track follows this up with a drop with the main melody hitting it’s own solo. Gradually, the track builds back up again.
From here, the vocals come back in the next verse backed by lead guitar. This lead guitar only appears for a brief moment before falling back away again. After this, the main chorus is heard again before the track breaks down for a final time.
Probably the biggest strength in this track is the lyrics. The lyrics in this track is like a hard candy. You won’t get all of the lyrics the first time around, but as you listen to it more and more, the layers and layers found in this track gradually peel back. This is what gives this track such strength in my view because you can easily listen to this several times around. The lyrics themselves are very cerebral as it hits on a number of human emotional themes. As a result, this track can easily be relatable for a lot of people. So, a strength on multiple levels in my view.
The vocals work quite well too. They do carry that sense of emotional baggage embedded in the lyrics nicely.
The construction of this track really brings out the quality of this track. The way different sections slide into each other works very well. What’s more is that different elements that make each section unique elevates the quality of the track nicely.
Overall, this is a great track. The lyrics carry a bunch of meaning that really require multiple listen throughs. This isn’t a bad thing as more meaning come to the listener with each listen. The vocals carry that emotional baggage nicely as well. The construction of this track is nicely done as so many elements are placed into the track only once. Brief, but effective. A great track all around.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.