This review covers the punk rock track Bad Religion – Sorrow.
This track was released in 2002 on the album The Process of Belief.
The track starts with a couple snare hits and a few guitar notes. After that, a guitar joins the track and the vocals make an appearance.
After a brief instrumental section, the vocals take the track into the first verse. After that, the vocals take the track into the main chorus. The main vocals are joined by backup vocals. This is capped off with a brief instrumental section.
From there, the vocals take the track into the next verse. Shortly after that, the vocals take the track into the next round in the main chorus. Again, the vocals are backed by the backup vocals. This is capped off with a guitar solo.
After that, the vocals take the track into another round in the main chorus again. This is capped off with a short instrumental section. The guitars then lead the track out.
One thing I like about this track is the fact that everything sounds good together. Everything seems to fit in very nicely without anything really overlapping in a bad way. In addition, there is some pretty good flow throughout the track.
A complaint I might have is that the vocals can, at times, get a little lost with the other elements. So, there are moments where it can be hard to hear what the vocals are saying. So, I think there is some mastering issues there.
Probably one of the only distinct features in this track is the faster tempo. Otherwise, it can be hard to point to any one thing that makes this track stand out in any way.
Overall, it’s a decent track. It has some good flow and everything does fit together nicely for the most part. My only problems is that it’s hard to find very much that is distinct about the track and the vocals can get a little lost in the mix. So, an OK track all around.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.