Review: Daniel Kandi – Everything Counts (Original Mix) (Trance)

This review covers the progressive trance track Daniel Kandi – Everything Counts (Original Mix).

This track was released in 2010 along with two other versions.

Parts of the main melody does come in towards the beginning of this track. It pops in and out during the breakdown and subsequent buildup after.

The build-up seems to have an automated filter and release to help emphasize the buildup. This does help give it a decent flow.

The main melody changes somewhat when the track gets to the main chorus. The bassline fades somewhat to the background in the process.

My criticism of this track is that, although there is a sufficient amount making this a decent track to listen to, there isn’t really anything that elevates it to the next level. As a result, it makes it harder for this one to be particularly memorable.

Still, this track has a pleasant vibe going on throughout it. It’s a nice track to just throw into a mix if you want something that is backed off and somewhat non-descript. A decent track.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.

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