Review: Dave202 – Departure (Original Mix) (Trance)

This review covers the progressive trance track Dave202 – Departure (Original Mix).

This track was released in 2009 as part of a single.

This is one of those tracks that conveys emotion exactly what it says on the tin. The track builds up with that fresh excitement, gives off a hint of sadness, and utilizes a sliding note as something new, mysterious, and different. The way this track build up does a very impressive job at conveying the emotions a traveler might experience.

The biggest highlight in this track, for me, was the use of the stringed instrument. I thought that this, along with the many other elements, was incredibly well done.

My only real criticism was that as masterfully all of these elements were put together, this track has that air of being fleeting. It felt like the great portions of this track were a bit too short. This might be an odd thing to say about a track that’s more than 8 minutes long, but I do get that impression with this track.

Overall, this was a great track to listen to. The emotion was masterfully captured in this track. Everything was nicely balanced. The string was a nice touch to this track. The best elements might be slightly short for my tastes, but that’s just my opinion. In any event, definitely a recommended track.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.

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