This review covers the gabber hardcore track Evil Activities vs. Endymion – Before Your Eyes.
This track was released in 2002 on an EP along with the tracks Do You Like Bass? and Low Oxygen Level.
While the voice sample was not that bad, this is one of those tracks that only starts out decently. It takes a bit for this track to really pick things up, but once you get to the main melody, that’s when this track is actually great.
The subtle melody leading up to the main melody worked quite well. The main melody itself definitely made this track worth listening to. It has a nice swing rhythm built into it which worked quite well.
The addition of the bell tower bell really helped add atmosphere to this track. The other synth effects worked quite well in this track.
So, generally speaking, this was a pretty good track. It, unfortunately, takes a bit for this track to be interesting, but once you get to the main melody, this was a great listen to. While I can’t call it a great track because of the long buildup, it still gets a positive score from me.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.