This review covers the rock track Fitler – Where Do We Go From Here.
This track was released in 2002 on the album Amalgamut.
The track starts with some quiet guitars. A subtle synth makes an appearance for a moment. The vocals then join the track along with a drum kit with every other element dropping out.
Shortly after, the lead guitars come in for the bridge. After that, the track hits the main chorus with those lead guitars from the beginning returning.
From there, the lead guitars largely drop out for the more acoustic type. The vocals hit the next verse. After that, the lead guitars return and the vocals hit the bridge. This leads into the main chorus in the same manner as well. Backup vocals are also present in a subtle manner. This is capped off with a light instrumental section.
What follows is a short guitar solo. After that, the main chorus takes over again. A line is then repeated several times to the point of overlap. After that, the lead guitars lead the track out.
For me, this is one of those tracks that’s hard to get excited for. Throughout the track, it has that lack of energy feel to it. Since it doesn’t really appeal to me in any way shape or form, it comes off as being rather bland.
Additionally, I thought the mastering was less than perfect. It is sufficient in a way that allows me to understand the vocals, but the vocals don’t necessarily stand out much beyond that. As a result, you get that effect of everything more or less blending together with the one standout feature (the vocals) more or less getting lost somewhere along the line.
Overall, this is a fairly mediocre track. The mastering could use some work and there is nothing that really excites or appeals here. I find myself giving this track a great big “meh” mostly because of these problems. So, a mediocre track all around.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.