Review: Garbage – Stupid Girl (Rock)

This review covers the alternative rock track Garbage – Stupid Girl.

This track was released in 1995 on a self-titled album.

The track starts with a drum kit and some synth effects. Some guitar feedback come in briefly. After that, the guitars come in. The track then pulls back as the vocals take the track into the first verse. Some synth pads briefly make an appearance from there. After that, the vocals continue on with some synth effects playing along with the rest of the track.

After that, the vocals take the track into the main chorus. This is capped off with an instrumental section with the odd bit-crushed drum hit here and there.

From there, the vocals take the track into the next verse. Part way through, the synth effect returns for a little bit. Shortly after, the vocals take the track into the main chorus as backed by the lead guitars. An additional guitar comes in during the instrumental section. A guitar solo then comes in.

After that, the vocals take the track into the next verse, but only the second half with the synth effect. The vocals then take the track into the main chorus after. The synth effect continues to make appearances throughout the main chorus as well. An instrumental section then caps off that section again. The vocals then take a piece of the main chorus and lead the track out with the guitars.

One thing is for sure, this track does have an interesting sound to it. It’s largely thanks to the synth effects that are added to the track that give this track that slightly unique sound. I found it quite interesting.

The vocals are quite good. The fact that the lyrics work so well in painting a good picture certainly didn’t hurt things either. So, on both fronts, I thought this track is well done.

Finally, the guitars are certainly good too. So, ultimately, there really isn’t much to complain about in this track.

Overall, this is a pretty solid track. It has good vocals and lyrics. The added synth certainly helps give this track a bit of a unique sound as well. Certainly the good guitars didn’t hurt either. So, overall, a very solid track.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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