This review covers the punk rock track Green Day – Minority.
This track was released in 2000 on the album Warning.
The track starts with a more acoustic guitar. After a snare, the lead guitars hit along with the vocals taking the track through the main chorus.
From there, the vocals take the track the track into the first verse. The lead guitars largely drop out for this shore section. After that, the vocals take the track into the next main chorus.
After a bit, a harmonica joins the track as the vocals finish off the verse. From there, the vocals take the track into the main chorus. An instrumental section follows.
The harmonica then joins the track. The vocals also returns after a bit. From there, the vocals take the track into the main chorus again. The main chorus is extended along with a novel lead guitar. After a snare, the acoustic guitar from the beginning leads the track out.
One thing that is notable in this track is the fact that the sections are very quick. While this track seems to offer a full format, it still weighs in at below 3 minutes in length. This actually presents an interesting challenge because short sections don’t offer a lot of wiggle room. Too much variance and the track is a jumbled mess. Too little variance and the track winds up being repetitive. Interestingly enough, this track does manage to obtain a sort of happy medium between the two extremes which is an accomplishment. I will say that the track is a bit quick for my taste, but that wind up being a minor issue in my mind.
Another positive is that the overall vibe is well thought out. Some people cringe when they hear curse words in the lyrics, but in my view, it fits with the track really well. All one has to do is consider the theme of the track to know that curse words are not only a good choice, but an obvious creative choice. Not using curse words would actually strike me as a bizarre choice even.
Overall, this is a very solid track. It’s got well thought out vibes, the guitars sound good, and the vocals work nicely. My only nitpick is that the track is a bit too quick for my taste, but otherwise, it’s hard to really find fault with this track. So, a nicely done track all around.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.