This review covers the alternative rock track Jimmy Eat World – The Middle.
This track was released in 2001 on the album Bleed America (renamed to just Jimmy Eat World).
The track starts with the guitar and bass guitar. A snare then enters the track and the rest of the drum kit joins the track. This is quickly joined by the vocals which take the track into the first verse. Shortly after, the vocals take the track into a shortened version of the main chorus after.
The guitars pull back and the vocals take the track into the next verse. Shortly after, the vocals take the track into another main chorus with the guitars being pushed forward again. This is capped off with a guitar solo.
The track then drops out with only a drum kit, an effect, and the vocals. The guitars and the drum kit partially return as the verse continues. Shortly after, the vocals take the track into the main chorus again. The guitars are pushed forward again like before. The guitars then lead the track out.
For me, the first think I notice is that the guitars sound very well done. They really give the track a nice rhythm and distinct sections throughout.
The vocals are pretty good. Some words are a bit garbled, though. I don’t know if it’s use of a heavy accent or what, but some words get mashed into being borderline not understandable. The overall sound is good, but the enunciation leaves a bit to be desired in places.
Still, this is definitely a worthwhile track to listen to. It’s got a solid overall sound. The guitars are great and the vocals are good. A track that gets a thumbs up from me.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.