This review covers the liquid drum n bass track LAOS – Panda Style.
This track was released in 2007 on the compilation album Weapons of Mass Creation 3. Previously, we’ve reviewed two other tracks on this album. Those tracks are: Blame + The Pedge – Avalon and Sonic – Electrosound.
Those who have been around the drum n bass scene for years will likely instantly recognize this track. Some drum n bass tracks can emphasize bassline variations. Other tracks can focus on being more chilled out. Some are even a little experimental in including rock elements. This track is leans towards a much more comical or non-serious tone overall.
It’s almost a satire of nature documentaries. The vocal samples have moments of just sounding like a nature documentary, but other times, they sound like a tourist advertisement in a way. Because of this, the track is just silly (in a good way).
The percussion’s were definitely well-chosen as it makes the track sound big and clumsy. Arguably, this gives this track character.
In addition, there is the use of what sounds like woodwind instruments. This adds a nice layer of authenticity to the track.
Overall, if you are looking for something that is silly and, well, not serious, this might be a good candidate. It has the amusing voice samples, clumsy percussion’s, and some authentic woodwind sounds to complete the overall track. Pretty good all around.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.