This review covers the dance track Love Inc. – Here Comes the Sunshine (12″ Extended).
This track was released in 2000 as part of a single.
The first obvious thing about this track is the euro-vibe going on. After a bit, the obvious part of the track shifts to the vocals. The vocals are not only very distinct, but also very strong. Both the euro-dance vibe and the vocals work quite well together. Some parts are quite long, but they manage to transition right before they start to wear out their welcome.
I think the only weakness in this track that I can find is that some of the lyrics are difficult to understand. I don’t think this detracts too much from this track, though.
Overall, this track is quite catchy. It’s definitely upbeat and positive. Besides some of the lyrics being hard to understand, I really like how this track progressed. Overall, I’d say it’s a great track to listen to.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.