This review covers the alternative rock track Our Lady Peace – Starseed.
This track was released in 1994 on the album Naveed.
One great thing about this track is that it does build up nicely. The acoustic sound, the buildup with the drums, and the way the bass was brought in all worked quite well in giving it a good buildup.
The vocals added quite a lot to the track. Both the main vocals and and the backing vocals worked quite well.
The guitars also added a nice amount of quality to the overall track. There was a nice number of riffs throughout that added so much to the track.
The drum kit, namely the snare, added a nice unique quality to the track.
In listening to the lyrics, I was a bit lost in what the track was actually about. Still, I don’t think that took anything away from the track.
The criticism I do have is the fact that this track may have been a bit overcompressed. There was very little dynamic space that I could really hear.
Still, this was a nice track to listen to. It has many great qualities to it. If the mastering backed a few things off a bit, I would have called it a great track.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.