Review: Planet Heaven – Predator (Electronic Tree Frog Mix) (Trance)

This review covers the trance track Planet Heaven – Predator (Electronic Tree Frog Mix).

This track was released in 2001 as a single. It was released along with the Heaven and Hell mix.

The track starts with a couple of effects and a percussion. A cymbal crash then makes an appearance as the kick starts. A snare gradually fades in. The track is also joined by some high hats. A lead hat also joins the track. An additional percussion makes a subtle appearance. Another lead had then joins the track. The synth effect makes an additional appearance.

After a brief extra kick or two, synth chords make an appearance. An additional synth effect is added. The kick makes a brief drill effect before parts of the drum kit drops out. An additional synth effect makes an appearance. The kick then returns, but several hats drop out. After a cymbal crash, one of the lead hats returns. The other high hats then make a return. Another synth makes an appearance. Some synth pads also fade in after a bit. They increase in prominence in the track after a bit. A synth effect makes an appearance and a snare joins the track. Another synth is layered over top. The synth chords then makes a return. A synth effect then makes an appearance and several synths drop out.

From there, one of the synth effects gradually fades out. Eventually, it’s mostly the drum kit and a single synth that’s left. The synth drops out, leaving only the drum kit. After a brief kick drill, the snare drops out. A cymbal crash then leads the track out.

One thing this track has going for it is that it’s actually got a very well realized atmosphere. This is largely thanks to the synth chords and the synth pads. The additional synth effects gives the track a nice amount of variety.

The problem is, the sound atmosphere is about all that this track has going for it. It’s got a good build up to it, but once the nice atmosphere kicks in, well, that’s it. After that, the track gradually breaks down again. As a result, it makes for an interesting filler track, but nothing that would necessarily be the highlight of a playlist or a mix in my opinion.

Overall, this track has a nice buildup and a well realized sound atmosphere. Unfortunately, there isn’t much more to the track to make this stand out, let alone, be a memorable track. It’s an OK track to listen to, but not something that I would worry too much if you missed it.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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