Review: Sting – I Hung My Head (Rock)

This review covers the pop rock track Sting – I Hung My Head.

This track was released in 1996 on the album Mercury Falling.

The track starts with some guitars and a drum kit. From there, the vocals come in for the first verse. The vocals briefly take a detour to the main chorus before continuing the verse.

From there, the vocals take the track into the main chorus. This is short as it is capped off with an instrumental section. This involves some brass elements.

After that, the vocals take the track into the next verse. The vocals then take the track into the main chorus, backed by an organ element. In the instrumental section, the organ continues instead of being played out by the brass element.

From there, the vocals take the track into the next verse. The backing elements gradually pull back. After that, the vocals take the track into the main chorus. The main chorus repeats as the track fades out.

This is one of those tracks that really leaves little to the imagination. The lyrics basically talk about how someone was executed for murdering his brother. It’s a pretty depressing topic if you ask me.

The vocals are alright. It’s nothing too amazing, but they are alright.

Meanwhile, the backing instruments are decent enough. The guitars are OK. The brass and organ, however, do give this track some variety.

Overall, this is an OK track. It’s got decent vocals and backing elements. The lyrics are a bit simplistic and leave little to the imagination – not to mention being pretty depressing. So, an overall OK track, but nothing too amazing or special here.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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