This review covers the gabber hardcore track Tommyknocker – Never Surrender.
This track was released in 2015 along with three other tracks. The track samples the vocals from the track Foo Fighters – The Pretender.
This track ultimately brings in elements of rock music into a hardcore track. While there is no electric guitars, the vocals is decidedly from rock music. The vocals, by itself, are nicely done, though they do need something to help bring the quality out.
The hardcore elements bring in some choir elements for the quieter moments. As a result, there is some dynamic range in the overall sound. There is a strong synth used as part of the main melody, though it is somewhat limited in bringing in some quality.
The problem with this track is likely from the overall bassline. It is more or less left on auto-pilot when it really needs to bring some variety to the track. Because of this, there is a sort of flat sound going on in this track. It needs to hit more notes in certain parts of the track.
Generally speaking, there are a lot of great elements going in in this track. I wanted to like this track more than I really did. This was because of the flat sounding bassline during critical parts of the main chorus. It has some good vocals and some interesting synth. It is just unfortunate that the flat sound held this track as much as it did.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.