Update: Dead SoundCloud iFrames Replaced With Live Anchor iFrames

Recently, we launched an initiative to ensure that the full archive of our podcast is available again via embedding. This restoration project is thanks to our host on Anchor.fm.

Last week, we announced the addition of our podcast onto Spotify. This was followed up by the announcement that our podcast is also available via RadioPublic and Pocket Casts.

While our podcast was going up on many places, it was also disappearing on SoundCloud. This has resulted in numerous dead iFrames (embedded objects) on our older podcasts. Well, because you need a third party host to post your podcast on some of the above sites, wouldn’t it make sense to see if we could link and/or embed our podcast on our older pages? The answer is, of course, “yes”, but the question is, can we? Well, we looked into this and, sure enough, not only do we have linking abilities, but also, embedding features.

As a result, we went through all of our old podcast posts and began replacing the old SoundCloud embedded iFrames with Anchor embedded iFrames. The replacements only affected dead SoundCloud pages. For the remaining pages with still live embedded content from SoundCloud, we merely doubled the iFrame to make it easier to listen however you want.

Now, if you are wondering what host we ended up using, the simple answer is “Anchor”. If you are curious, you can check out our page on Anchor.fm. We are quite happy with how this all turned out. Now, it is even easier for you ti listen to our entire back-catalogue of podcasts. Enjoy!

Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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