Wario World Review Now Unlocked on Patreon!

This months early access review, as nominated by Patrons, is Wario World. You can read this review now!

It is now that time of month! This is where I announce which game has been unlocked for early access review as chosen by Patreon supporters. This month, patrons have selected the Game Cube game, Wario World.

Now, I will admit that this is one of those reviews I did a while back. I remember some other versions of this game, but this version was a game I pretty much have pretty much zero memory of. Still, I did wind up playing this one when I was doing my run through GameCube games. So, if you want to check out what I had to say about this game, you can check it out on Patreon right now! You need to be on the chilled out tier and up to access this review and any other early access review.

I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone who is hanging out on the Patreon subscriptions. You really are making a positive difference on this site. As I begin to expand into more modern games, I hope to grant you all even more opportunities to pick from an even larger library of reviews. The fact that I plan on going through XBox One games this year is going to certainly help with that, I think.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the early access to this review. I look forward to seeing what you Patrons have in store for next month too! You really have a knack for keeping me on my toes for which review you want to see.

Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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